Arduino Christmas melody

Want to have more fun during Christmas? This tutorial will help you design and build a small system with a buzzer which you can place on your Christmas Tree.Firstly, you will design the schematic below on proteus software and save it.
You need to watch the video above in order to understand how this circuit works.

Arduino Christmas Arduino Christmas

In this project, you will need

  1. Arduino.
  2. buzzer
  3. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
  4. Potentiometer
  5. Some resistors, pushbuttons, PCF8574 I2C module

  6. The source code is divided into 2 parts.

    Download all the code files Here

    After all the code files are downloaded, open the first code called melody.ino on your Arduino IDE. Once opened, in order to add/include the other code, click on the upper button at the top right of your IDE directly below the serial monitor arrow. Select New tab and name the file as pitches.h, then click ok. That's it. Run the code, upload it and enjoy.